Green transition is an important topic for CWS and the whole KANSAI HELIOS group. As a producing and chemical using company CWS has a clear environmental politic, where we take the persons in consideration, who are in contact with our products; all the way from production till end-user. We have a long line of increased demands to our suppliers, and we continuously follow, test and take action to develop more environmentally correct products.
CWS has since 1996 had an organized control with the task on a long-term environmentally friendly strategy in production and process. In 2000 we received “Umweltpreis 2000”, in 2005 we received ”Business Ethics Price” and in 2014 we received the ”Umweltinnovation Preis 2014”. Every second year we publish our environmental report, and we have done this since 2005. We share the results, we have achieved reg. energy consumption , CO2 discharge etc. Besides that we describe the headlines reg. the initiatives for things that will be implemented for the coming period.
KANSAI HELIOS has anchored environmental commitment in its fundamental principles. The Group implements climate protection measures along the entire value chain. Learn more about the group-wide initiative “We turn it green” here